
Intellibar is a comprehensive legal research platform that provides lawyers with access to a variety of legal resources, including case law, statutes, regulations, and other legal materials. It also offers a variety of tools to help lawyers research and analyze the law.

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What can I do with it?

What can I do with it?

What can I do with it?

A legal research platform that provides lawyers with access to a comprehensive database of case law, statutes, regulations, and other legal resources.

Why would I use this?

Why would I use this?

Why would I use this?

To research the law, stay up-to-date on legal developments, and prepare for trials and other legal proceedings.

One of the Features

Intellibar's case law database includes over 100 million cases from all 50 states, the federal courts, and the Supreme Court. It also includes case summaries, headnotes, and Shepard's citations.

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Another Feature

And Another Feature

Different Tools in the Same Category


What is the difference between Intellibar and Westlaw?

How much does Intellibar cost?